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Bust that DUST

So how much dust can a van’s exterior handle? With Vantec RV NextGen coating it turns out, quite a lot

Dust is our constant companion on the Club 4X4 Insurance Tough Tested 2023 tracks but once we’ve done mad-maxing out back of Barmera, a decent clean up brings us closer to home. 

Thankfully, just a single coating of Vantec RV’s special nanoparticle NextGen formulation comprising silicon carbide and silica dioxide lets you shed your adventures like a skin with a soapy wash–for the life of your van.

Considering this a challenge, our venue, film crews and cohort absolutely threw everything at it, as seen here on this pre-treated Goldstream RV. 

Let’s check out the results!

Vantec RV NextGen

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